General Science multiple choice questions PDF Test No – 8

376. A star is said to be
(a) A very big satellite
(b) A very big, very hot ball of fire made of gases
(c) A hot ball of molten material
(d) None of these


377. The spherical shape of the earth was stated by
1. Pythagoras
2. Copernicus
3. Aristotle
4. Aryabhatta
Select the correct chronological order out of the following :
(a) 1 2 3 4
(b) 1 3 4 2
(c) 2 3 1 4
(d) 1 2 4 3


378.The distance between the earth and the sun is maximum during the
(a) Perihelion
(b) Aphelion
(c) Summer solstice
(d) Winter solstice


379. Frost is most likely to occur on
(a) A warm clear night
(b) A cloudy cold night
(c) A cold clear night
(d) A cloudy warm night


380. The recent atomic weight scale is based on
(a) 6C12
(b) 1H1
(c) 8016
(d) 1H2


381. An oxide of iron has a formula Fe2O3. The valency of iron in Fe2O3 is
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Two
(d) One


382. The most important difference between plants and animals is in
(a) The movement
(b) The reproduction
(c) The digestion
(d) None of these


383. The power house of a cell is the
(a) Lysosome
(b) Mitochondrion
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Chloroplasts


384. The structural changes between mammalian uterus during reproducing cycle are primarily caused by
(a) The progesterone
(b) The testosterone
(c) The oxytocin
(d) None of these


385. Which one of the following properties is not the characteristic of chemical changes ?
(a) New substances with different properties are produced
(b) The change is not easily reversed by the mere change of external conditions
(c) There shall be evolution or absorption of heat
(d) The weight of the material remains unaltered after undergoing the chemical change.


388. The science of classifying organisms is called
(a) Taxonomy
(b) Genealogy
(c) Radiology
(d) Histology


389. A petrol-driven car is not regarded as living yet it could be said to
(a) Need food
(b) Excrete
(c) Respire
(d) Need all of the above


390. Organic food includes
(a) Vitamins
(b) Fats
(c) Proteins
(d) All of these


391. A body immersed in a fluid experiences an upward thrust which depends on
(a) The volume of the body
(b) The mass of the body
(c) The weight of the fluid displaced by it
(d) None of these


392. If an unbalanced force acts on a body, it must change
(a) The speed of the body
(b) The velocity of the body
(c) Both the speed and the velocity of the body
(d) Neither the speed nor the velocity of the body


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