Hydrosphere related short questions mcq

Hydrosphere related short questions mcq

???? On the sea level, nearest place to the centre of Earth is?
(A) North Pole
(B) Tropic of Capricorn
(C) Tropic of Cancer
(D) Tropic of equator
Ans: (A)

???? Which one of the following seas is the deepest?
(A) South China Sea
(B) Bering Sea
(C) Mediterranean Sea
(D) Japan Sea
Ans: (A)

???? Datum line
(A) is a horizontal line to the sea level from where heights and depths are measured
(B) is the mean of primary and secondary data
(C) International date line
(D) is an imaginary line which passes through zero degree meridian
Ans: (A)

????. The largest part of our hydrosphere is
(A) Atlantic ocean
(B) Indian ocean
(C) Pacific ocean
(D) Antarctica ocean
Ans: (C)

???? The surface of Earth covered with water is approximately
(A) One-fourth
(B) Half
(C) Two-third
(D) Three-fifth (3/5)
Ans: (C)

???? Where is ‘Ninety East Ridge’ situated?
(A) Pacific Ocean
(B) Indian Ocean
(C) Atlantic Ocean
(D) Arctic Ocean
Ans: (B)

???? A ridge of 64000 km length and 2000 km to 2400 km width passing through North and South Atlantic oceanic basins enters into the South Pacific oceanic basin through Indian oceanic and then from the middle of Australia and Antarctic. This ridge is
(A) Socotra-Lakshadweep – Changos-Ridge
(B) Pacific – Antractica Ridge
(C) Dolfin – Challenger Ridge
(D) Mid – Oceanic Ridge
Ans: (D)

????. The largest amount of fresh water on our planet is in
(A) River
(B) Lakes and streams
(C) Glaciers and mountains
(D) Underground water
Ans: (C)

????The tension of gravitational water in the ground is
(A) below 1/3 atmosphere
(B) At 1.25 atmosphere
(C) At 5 atmosphere
(D) At 15 atmosphere
Ans: (A)

???? Which one is the most extensive part of the oceanic floor?
(A) Ocean Deeps
(B) Oceanic Slope
(C) Oceanic Shelves
(D) Deep Sea Plains
Ans: (D)

???? On the planet Earth, most of the fresh water exists as ice caps and glaciers. Out of the remaining fresh water, the largest proportion
(A) is found in atmosphere as moisture and clouds
(B) is found in fresh water lakes and rivers
(C) Exists as ground water
(D) Exists as soil moisture
Ans: (C)

???? Consider the following statements.
1. On the planet Earth, the fresh water available for use amounts to about less than 1% of the total water found.
2. Of the total fresh water found on the planet Earth 95% is bound up in polar ice caps and glaciers. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Both 1 and 2
(D) Neither 1 nor 2
Ans: (A)

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