21. At what age did Chodgangdev become king?
(A) 2 years
(B) 5 years
(C) 4 years
(D) 4 years
22. For how many years did Chodgangdev rule the kingdom?
(A) 60 years
(B) 45 years
(C) 4 years
(D) 60 years
23. Who built the Jagannath Temple?
(A) Narasimha Deva
(B) The third Anangabhimadev
(C) Chodgangdev
(D) Rajarajdev
24. What is the height of the Jagannath Temple?
(A) 2 15 feet 4 inches
(B) 216 feet 4 inches
(C) 2 13 feet ‘4 inches
(D) 12 feet 6 inches
25. Who built the Konark Temple?
(A) Narasimha will give
(B) will provide a third limb
(C) Chodgang will give
(D) The king will give
26. How many wheels are there in the Sun Temple?
(A) 20
(B) 21
(C) 222
(D) 24
27. When did Kapilendra Dev ascend the throne?
(A) 1935 AD.
(B) 1936 AD.
(C) 1936 AD.
(D) 1936 AD.
28. What is the name of the play written by Kapilendra Dev?
(A) Ramchandra Vijay
(B) Agricultural victory
(C) Parashuram Vijay
(D) Lankan victory
29. What famous poet composed great poems during the reign of Kapilendra Dev?
(A) Sarla Das
(B) Jagannath Das
(C) Balaram Das
(D) The child is eternal slave
30. After Kapilendra Dev, who ascended the throne of Utkal?
(A) Purushottamadev
(B) Himirdev
(C) Prataparudradev
(D) Kaluadev