⚡️Odisha History Multiple choice questions answer | Odisha gk

11. Which religion became the world’s most famous religion after the Battle of Kalinga?
(A) Hinduism
(B) Jainism
(C) Buddhism
(D) Christianity

Ans-C ✔

12. What is the significance of the Kalinga War in world history?
(A) One lakh people died
(B) Many died of starvation after the war
(C) One and a half million people were arrested
(D) Ashoka renounced the war and became a religion

Ans-D ✔

13. When did Kharbel ascend the throne?
(A) BC 154
(B) BC 155
(C) BC 150
(D) BC 185

Ans-A ✔

14. When did Ashoka die?
(A) BC 230
(B) BC 232
(C) BC 2 33
(D) BC 235

Ans-B ✔

15. Did Kharbel return home after invading Magadha?
(A) Buddhist Muri
(B) Gene statue
(C) Statue of Jagannath
(D) Ganesha’s death

Ans-B ✔

16. When did the Kalinga War take place?
(A) BC 272
(B) BC 261
(C) BC 271
(D) BC 275

Ans-B ✔

17. What rule prevailed in Kalinga during the Kalinga attack on Ashoka?
(A) Monarchy
(B) dictatorship
(C) Democracy
(D) zamindari

Ans-C ✔

18. Which force was most powerful in Kalinga during the attack on Ashok?
(A) Infantry
(B) The cavalry
(C) Elephant forces
(D) Rider

Ans-C ✔

19. What was the purpose of the Kalinga attack on Ashoka?
(A) Economic
(B) Political
(C) Love
(D) Vengeance

Ans-A ✔

20. How many people died in the Battle of Kalinga?
(A) 2 lakhs
(B) 1 lakh
(C) 50,000
(D) 25,000

Ans-B ✔

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