75. In order to select a sentence in Ms Word, the key is pressed with the mouse.
A) Shift
B) Ctrl
C) Alt
D) Space
76. What is Microsoft Word?
a) Operating System
b) Word Processing Program
c) Microsoft Windows
d) None of these (None of Above)
77. What are the features of Ms Word.
a) Spelling Checking
b) Graphics
c) Both (Both)
d) None of these (None of Above)
78. What is the type of MS Word to open by running command?
a) Winzip
b) Winword
d) MS Word
79. How many screens are visible on Windows when you open Ms Word
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) none
80. What is the name of the file created in Ms Word?
a) Program
b) Text
c) Graph
d) Document
81. Who can be changed with the help of Page Settlement Command.
a) Margins, Paper Size, Color
b) Paper source, lay out
c) Both A and B
d) File name
82. Which work area is used for measuring.
a) ruler bar
b) Menu bar
c) Task Bar
d) Title bar
83. Commands in the MS Word 2007 are related to opening, saving and closing the file.
a) Home
b) Office Button
c) New
d) Insert
84. Which command can see the document before printing the document.
a) Print
b) Web page previews
c) Print preview
d) Send to
85. The selected line has a shortcut key to bold.
a) Alt + B
b) Ctrl + O
c) Alt + O
d) Ctrl + B
86. The shortcut key to underline the selected line is key.
a) Ctrl + Shift + U
b) Ctrl + A
c) Alt + E
d) Ctrl + U