Welcome to digital odisha here we provide some world general knowledge mcq quiz which help to your all competitive exam. so read the post carefully.
World General knowledge MCQ Quiz
What is “Shinkansen” in Japan?
A. Shopping Mall
B. Bullet Train
C. Temple
D. A mountain
What is “Sorbonne” in Paris?
A. Presidential Palace
B. University
C. Art Gallery
D. Drama Theater
Mostly bank notes in the world are made of what?
A. Cotton
B. Paper
C. Cellulose
D. Wood
Which gulf is NOT located at the Northern end of the Red Sea?
A. Suez
B. Gulf of Alaska
C. Aden
D. Aqaba
What is the official language of the tiny nation between France and Spain?
A. French
B. Spanish
C. Portuguese
D. Catalan
Which country officially left the European Union on 31st January, 2020 ?
A. Ireland
B. Scotland
C. Germany
“Maritime” is a security agency of which country?
A. China
B. France
C. Germany
D. Pakistan
Which country is called the “Land of Rabbits”?
A. China
B. Spain
C. Philippines
D. Australia
Which of them is the most common Human Phobia?
A. Fear of spiders
B. Fear of getting old
C. Fear of death
D. Fear of ghosts
Which country has NO capital in the world?
A. Papua New Guinea
B. Nauru
C. Vatican City
D. None of them
The Pyramids of Sun and Moon are in which country?
A. Japan
B. Egypt
C. Mexico
D. Brazil
Which Indian Leader was shot by Nathuram Vinayak Godse on 30 January 1948 ?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Jawharlal Nehru
C. Indira Gandi
D. Rahul Gandhi
Russo-Japanese war was fought during _________ ?
A. 1903-1905
B. 1902-1903
C. 1901-1902
D. 1904-1905
In which year Bolshevik Revolution came ____________ ?
A. 1911
B. 1912
C. 1913
D. 1917
League of Nations was founded in which year ____________ ?
A. 1920
B. 1921
C. 1933
D. 1939
Battle of Gallipoli resulted in the victory of __________ ?
A. Turkey
B. Allied Powers
C. Ottomans
D. England
Who was the emperor of Japan during second World War __________?
A. Chiang Kai Shek
B. Taisho
C. Sin Ke Qiang
D. Hirohito
England fought second world war under the leadership of _________?
A. Winston Churchill
B. Roosevelt
C. Mountbatten
D. Clement Attlee
From which country Indonesia got independence in August 17, 1945?
A. Purtugal
B. Spain
C. Holland
D. Britain
Who laid the foundation of British Colonialism in India ____________ ?
A. Warren Hastings
B. Robert Clive
C. George Barlow
D. Lord Dufferin
Napoleon invaded Egypt in _________ ?
A. 1798
B. 1800
C. 1805
D. 1810
What does PUBG stands for _____?
A. Player Unknown Battle Grand
B. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
C. Player Unknown Battle Global
D. None of these
Council of Westphalia was by nature a _________ ?
A. Strategic alliance
B. International treaty
C. Peace treaty
D. Defence treaty
Peace treaty of Council of Westphalia was signed in _________ ?
A. 1647
B. 1648
C. 1650
D. None of these
Good Friday agreement which is related to Northern Ireland was signed in________?
A. 1998
B. 1973
C. 1992
D. none
Name of World’s Largest Twin Engine Jet?
A. Boeing 777X
B. Boeing 737 max
C. Boeing 999X
D. None of these
The Arctic Council is a high-level intergovernmental forum that addresses issues faced by the Arctic governments consists of_______ members?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. none
“Tadawal” is the stock Exchange Market of which country?
A. Jordan
B. Qatar
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Bahrain
The headquarter of World Economic forum is situated in which city?
A. Davos
B. Zurich
C. Cologny
D. None of these
World Economic Forum was founded in which year?
A. January 1971
B. December 1981
C. February 1991
D. None of these
Transparency International was founded in which year?
A. 1987
B. 1990
C. 1993
D. None of these
A kind of war such is “Guerrilla” a word of Spanish its meaning is__________?
A. Little war
B. Hidden war
C. Regular war
D. none
Alma Atta was the Capital of __________upto 1997?
A. Tajikistan
B. Turkmenistan
C. Kazakhstan
D. None of these
During colonial era British policies towards colonies were mostly___________?
A. Harsh
B. Flexible
C. soft
D. moderate
Amazon rain-forest spans over how many countries?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. none
CNBC is a_________?
A. UAE Channel
B. British Channel
C. Russian Channel
D. American Channel
The Second longest river in Africa is___________?
A. The Nile
B. The Congo
C. The Zambezi
D. The Yukon
Battle of Actium was a decisive war fought between __________ ?
A. Roman Republic and Octavian
B. Mark Antony and Octavian
C. Caesar and Pompey
D. Saprtacus and Pompey
The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between ?
A. Ahmad Shah Abdali and Marathas
B. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
C. Akbar and Lal Singh
D. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
The Second battle of Panipat was fought between ?
A. Hem Chandra Vikramaditya and Akbar
B. Akbar and Lal Singh
C. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
D. Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi
The First battle of panipat was fought between __________ ?
A. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
B. Akbar and Lal Singh
C. Ahmed Shah and Balaji Baji Rao
D. Tamerlane and Behlol Lodi
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent ruled from ___________ ?
A. 1520 to 1566
B. 1525 to 1570
C. 1630 to 1665
D. 1640 to 1680