General Science multiple choice questions answer pdf Test no-4

General Science multiple choice questions answer pdf Test no-4

Welcome to digital odisha, here we discuss general science multiple choice questions answer pdf which help to your all odisha exam, general science objective questions. here you also download its pdf . 

Science multiple choice questions quiz 

151.Enzymes are made up of
(a) Amino acids
(b) Fats
(c) Proteins
(d) Carbohydrates


152.The gas used in the fire extinguisher is
(a) Carbon dioxide
(b) Carbon monoxide
(c) Sulphur dioxide
(d) Nitrogen


153. Food is digested mainly in the
(a) Mouth
(b) Small intestine
(c) Liver
(d) Large intestine


154. Man cannot survive without taking a minimum amount of
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Proteins
(c) Fats
(d) Minerals


155. The most important effect of the moon on the earth is that
(a) It gives light
(b) It causes tides in the ocean
(c) It causes solar and lunar eclipses
(d) It causes earthquakes


156. The largest gland of the human body is the
(a) Kidney
(b) Liver
(c) Heart
(d) Pancreas


157. Which of the following is a chemical change ?
(a) Melting of iron
(b) Rusting of iron
(c) Bending of iron
(d) Tempering of iron


158. A mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by
(a) Distillation
(b) Filtration
(c) Sublimation
(d) Chromatography


159. Light energy is converted into chemical energy by
(a) Electrolysis
(b) Photosynthesis
(c) Respiration
(d) Transpiration


160. A green tie in the red light appears to be
(a) Red
(b) Black
(c) Orange
(d) Yellow


161. Both the pans of a balance are kept in equilibrium by putting equal weights. When the balance is kept in an upward moving lift, the equilibrium
(a) Will be disturbed
(b) Will remain undisturbed
(c) Will be undisturbed if the lift is moving with a constant velocity
(d) Will be disturbed if the lift is accelerated


162. The latitude of the south pole is
(a) 90°
(b) 60°
(c) 30°
(d) 0°


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