⚡️ Indian National Movement Objective Questions & Answers …

173. Permanent settlement was introduced in Bengal and Bihar in 1793 A.D. by
a) Cornwallis
b) John shore
c) Hastings
d) Clive

Ans-A ✔

174. With whom did the British government work out the riotwari settlement?
a) Zamindars
b) Cultivators
c) Village communities
d) Muqqadams

Ans-A ✔

175. Who benefited most by under the British?
a) Money lender
b) Peasant
c) Merchant
d) Zamindar

Ans-A ✔

176. The book “History of British India” was written by
a) James Mill
b) Karl Marx
c) John Marshal
d) Elphinston

Ans-A ✔

177. Who belongs to nationalist school of economic historians?
a) Altekar
b) R.C. Dutt
c) Naoroji
d) Jayaswal

Ans-C ✔

178. The Berlin revolution started by ———
a) Ranke
b) Srivastava
c) Majumdar
d) Sardesai

Ans-A ✔

181. What has been described by V.A.Smith as the monument of Akbars Folly?
a) Revenue policy
b) Marriage relations
c) Din – i- IIahi
d) Rajput policy

Ans-B ✔

182. Myth and Reality in Indian History was written by
a) D.D Kosambi
b) R.C. Dutt
c) Bipan Chandra
d) Irfan habib

Ans-A ✔

183. Who was adopted the Marxian approach in the interpretation of Indian History
a) Ranke
b) Vincent Smith
c) D.D.Kosambi
d) R.C. Dutt

Ans-C ✔

184. Who defines communalism as “the belief that because a group of people follow a particular religion, they have as a result common social political and economic interests?”
a) Bipin Chandra
b) Irfan Habib
c) Marx
d) William Logan

Ans-A ✔

185. “Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857” was published by ——–
a) R.C. Majumdar
b) K.K. Datta
c) Ray Chaudhari
d) Sardesai

Ans-A ✔

186. Where was the Panchayath Raj first introduced?
a) Tamilnadu
b) Gujarat
c) Kerala
d) Rajasthan.

Ans-D ✔

187. The first English factory in India was established at
a) Bombay
b) Surat
c) Hooghly
d) Calcutta.

Ans-B ✔

188. Who among the following were the pioneers in opening oceanic trade with India.?
a) English
b) Dutch
c) Portuguese
d) French.

Ans-C ✔

189. Which of the following congress sessions adopted a resolution on Fundamental Rights and Economic Policy?
a) Belgaum,1934
b) Culcutta,1928
c) Lahore,1929
d) Karachi, 1930.

Ans-D ✔

190. Charles grant was a …………. historian?
a) evangelical
b) subaltern
c) nationalist
d) Marxist.

Ans-A ✔

191. Who the following was an administrative historian?
a) Karl Marx
b) R. Guha
c) William Hunter
d) James Mill.

Ans-C ✔

192. Who wrote the book, Observation on State and Society?
a) Karl Marx
b) Charles Grant
c) William Hunter
d) James Mill.

Ans-B ✔

193. Indian antiquities was a work of …………?
a) Christian Lassen
b) William Hunter
c) Naoroji
d) Nehru.

Ans-B ✔

194. The book entitled Indo-Aryans was authored by?
a) R. Mitra
b) R.C. Dutt
c) Bipan Chandra
d) Irfan Habib

Ans-A ✔

195. K.P Jayaswal wrote book entitled ………..?
a) Indian antiquities
b) Hindu polity
c) Carnaticwars
d) India today.

Ans-B ✔

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